Tuesday, October 19, 2010

- Luang Pu Kamphan and his sacred objects

According to the written accounts and legends that we obtained from the local communities, Luang Pu Kamphan acquired very powerful knowledge on the magical spell and supernatural techniques. He is regarded as the monk with the blessing from Naga (the dragon).

In those days when Luang Pu Kamphan carried out the sacred ceremony during making his sacred objects, villages used to notice there were colorful light bolts spinning above the Wat That Mahachai. It was a huge diameter circumference covering the center of the temple.

According to the novice and the monk who lives in the temple, they had always heard strange noise in the main hall of the temple. A few of the novices even noticed two Naga were kind of fooling around in the main hall. When they checked the main hall, they could notice colorless transparent sliver.

Luang Pu Kamphan is very well-verse on one of his Yant – the Mahapatana. Literately, Maha means “the greatest”; patana means “the dream will come true”. Thus Mahapatana means whatever you dream about or your wish, when you do this chanting, they will come through. According to our records, Luang Pu Kamphan was the only reverend in the whole Thailand who managed to master this Yant. There are 25 spells in this Yant. He is the only monk in Thailand who had reached the ultimate level – to be able to combine all 25 spells into a single symbol. He used the Mahapatana Yant in most of his sacred objects.

Luang Pu Kamphan once told his disciples “For those who own my Mahapatana, his dream will come true, he will never be haunted by hunger and poor”. I have seen several real cases on the power of his Mahapatana (including myself). I had encountered at least 5 success cases of Mahapatana; from the statistical point of view, the confident level is as high as 96.9%. I am now waiting for 2 more feedback, whom I know wearing the Mahapatana amulet. Rest assured, I have confident to get a positive feedback from them.

For the experiences, you are welcome to drop me an email: oseng_my@yahoo.com

Following are the sacred objects that he made.

Mahapatana 2nd Batch

Mahapatana 2nd batch

Mahapatana 2nd batch
Note: I will upload Mahapatana 1st batch very soon.

Phra Kring

Phra Kring

Phra Kring


Note: Please see how detail the Yant behind his pidta

Pidta - with the guarding of Naga

This monk is just awesome and his amulets have help a lot of people achieving a much better life; and I am one of those whom I feel lucky.

Below items are my personal collections:

Front - Praput Na Kaew (Left), Locket (Center) Uk Pak Kut (Right)

Back - Praput Na Kaew (Left), Locket (Center) Uk Pak Kut (Right)

Front - Rean Mahapatana, 1st Batch, 2530 B.E.

Back - Rean Mahapatana, 1st Batch, 2530 B.E.

Front - Rean Mahapatana, 2nd Batch, 2535 B.E.

Back - Rean Mahapatana, 2nd Batch, 2535 B.E.

Front - Pidta; Neu Wa (Left), Gem Stone (Center), Silver (Right)

Back - Pidta; Neu Wa (Left), Gem Stone (Center), Silver (Right)
The back of the Gem stone pidta is carved with mahapatana totum

Front - Pidta and Payanat

Back - Pidta and Payanat

Front - Pidta and Somdej

Back - Pidta and Somdej (With Mahapatana totum)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

- Luang Pu Kamphan, Wat That Mahachai

I would like to introduce a great monk who had contributed a lot to the district of Plah Phak, Nakhon Phanom province. He is regarded as the father of development for the district of Pla Pak.

He is Luang Pu Kamphan, the former abbot of Wat That Mahachai.

Luang Pu Kamphan

Luang Pu Kamphan is also known as Phra Soon Ton Ma Gon. He was the former Chief Monk of Wat That Mahachai, which is located at Ban Mahachai, district Pla Pak, Nakhon Phanom province. Luang Pu Kamphan had devoted 59 years of his life to monk hood. He passed away at the age of 89.

The funarel of Luang Pu Kamphan

Luang Pu Kamphan was born on the 10th January, B.E. 2458 (Which is equivalent to the year of 1915, a few years just after the first world war). His father was Nai Ken Soo-Wong while his mother was Nang Lom Soo-Wong. By the age of 17 at 7th September B.E. 2475, Luang Pu Kamphan joined Wat See Boon Reuang as a novice. Arcariya Cheuam was the monk who officially ordained him. After 3 years of Dharma practice under Arcariya Cheuam, he was then ordained as a monk in B.E. 2478, by the age of 20.

His first Tudong (the forest wandering practice) was completed in the Leoi province. He met Arcariya Sao at Wat Pohn Meuang. Arcariya Sao was the teacher of Arcariya Mun Bhuridatta Tera, the famous forest wandering practitioner as well as guru. Arcariya Sao had given numerous valuable advices to him on the meditation method. Beside Arcariya Sao, he had also learnt the Dharma teaching from Arcariya Kroot Seung Ben Phra Kao.

Arcariya Sao

Arcariya Mun

At the age of 24, B.E. 2482; he was forced to leave the monk hood due to his mother passed away. Thus he had to take care of his family. 6 years later upon his family was settled down, he was once again re-ordained as a monk, in B.E. 2488. He repeated the tradition of 3 years Tudong. In B.E. 2491, he was invited to be the Abbot of Wat That Mahachai (Wat That Mahachai was once been called Wat Kot Sa Ga Ram).

Luang Pu Kamphan completed his basic primary study in Banphu School at the age of 14. He passed the Pali language Level 3 at the age of 22, B.E. 2479. In B.E. 2488, he obtained the best final examination results of Pali language and in B.E. 2489, he reached the highest ranking of Pali language studies in Wat Phra Bat Jom Thong. Since 2490, Luang Pu Kamphan was actively involved in the activities of Buddhism propagation and urban development in the Nakhon Phanom province.

Luang Pu Kamphan was an expert in many disciplines. He was well-verse in writing Khom and Tai Noi which enabled him to make many powerful sacred objects. He was one of the well known Dharma teacher in the North-Eastern region in Thailand (especially in Isan) and was frequently invited to lead and teach other novices and monks. His knowledge in the Isan language enabled him to write Dharma poems in Isan language. He mastered the Vipasana meditation from his teacher, Arcariya Sao, enabled him to teach the meditation in Wat Pa Mahachai, Wat Sang Phra In and Wat Pu Phan Dang Sao Koi. He had shown strong enthusiasm in the local development and had helped many temples in the reconstruction as well as renovation works.
Below is the list of his major achievement:
B.E. 2492: Chairman, rebuilding the Ubosot of Wat Phra Poot Baat Jom Tong
B.E. 2494: Chairman, rebuilding the bell tower of Wat Phra Poot Baat Jom Tong
B.E. 2498: Chairman, rebuilding Wat Mahachai
B.E. 2500: Chairman, rebuilding the ‘Miraculous Buddha Image’ of Wat Mahachai
B.E. 2509: Promotion, became the Chief Monk of district Mahachai
B.E. 2509: Appointment, he was appointed as the abbot of Wat Koht-Sa-Gaa Raam (Wat Tat Mahachai), a post he held till his passing in B.E. 2546.
B.E. 2514: Chairman, rebuilding the Buddha Relic Pagoda in Wat That Mahachai
B.E. 2518: Appointment, he was appointed as the Assistant Chief Monk of district Pla Pak
B.E. 2518: Promotion, a Grade 3 Dharma teacher
B.E. 2519: Promotion, the Head of the Dharma School (Dharma and Pali) in district Pla Pak
B.E. 2519: Nomination, Pra Upacha (Preceptor)
B.E. 2520: Chairman, to build the Ubosot in Wat That Mahachai
B.E. 2520: Promotion, a Grade 2 Dharma teacher
B.E. 2524: Chairman, to build the surrounding wall of Wat That Mahachai
B.E. 2527: Chairman, to build the monks’ cells
B.E. 2527: Chairman, rebuilding the Wat Pa Mahachai and Wat Arayankam
B.E. 2528: Chairman, to build the extension of monks’ cells
B.E. 2528: Promotion, a Top Grade Dharma teacher
B.E. 2531: Appointment, he was appointed as the Chief Monk Monk of district Pla Pak
B.E. 2534: Chairman, to build the Tumkorsitwitaya Secondary School for the under privileged
B.E. 2535: Promotion, he was bestowed the title of Prasoon-ton Tan-ma Gon by His Majesty, the King of Thailand
B.E. 2536: Chairman, to build the Tummagonweethaya Secondary School
B.E. 2537: Chairman, to create the big Gagroon Buddha image for Wat Sarn Phra In
B.E. 2537: Chairman, to build the Mahachai Witthayakom Secondary School for the under privileaged
B.E. 2542: Appointment, he was appointed as the Senior Advisor of district Pla Pak
B.E. 2545: Chairman, to build the Pla Pak hospital

Extra notes:
1. Where is Nakhon Phanom province?
See the map below......
2. Where is Pla Pak in Nakhon Phanom province?
See the map below.....

Friday, October 15, 2010

- Does Buddhist Talisman really work?

Phor Than Khlai Wat Suan Khan Somdej, Back
Phor Than Khlai Wat Suan Khan Somdej, Front

Many people asked me,
Does Buddhist amulets really work?
How effective are they?
Why it never work on me?
How come after I wear it, my luck still havn't change indeed I am getting worse?

There are tons of questions posted by my friends and thousands of people regarding how effective and efficient a Buddhist secret object will be. Normally we are so focus on the benefits and functionality of an amulet until we had forgotten the fundemantal.

The following question should answer the fundamental of a Buddhist amulet:

a. Why such amulet is being made?
- What was the justification?
- For charity?
- To build or to renovate the temple?
- To pay gratitude to any belated monk?....

b. Who create this amulet?
- Who is the monk that make the amulet?
- Who involves in the blessing
- Are they well in holding the Buddhist practices?
- Any white robe practioner?
- Any Ressi in the blessing ceremony?....

c. When was the amulet being made and chanted?
- The date, the time....
- Is the date fall on significant day, for example the year 2537, Sau Har?

d. How was the amulet being created?
- What type of material is chosen? Metal? Pollen? Ashes?....
- What is the method to mold the amulet? Hand or machine mold?
- How long do the blessing ceremony lasted?
- Are the amulets blessed in different temples?

e. How many of them have been created?
- A few pieces.. up to several thousands pieces..

Above-mentioned questions should finally reach a simple statement for a good amulet. In our context, a good amulet is defined as "an efficient" amulet, with no direct correlation to the price.

If you were to wear an efficient amulet, the power of the amulet will synchronize with your power. Benefits will be gained through this synchronization. The power of the amulet is obtained through the creator (The monk who create it and the team who bless it). The power of khata (or magic power, a layman term) is locked in the amulet provided the material chosen is specific secret material and is from part of the nature. The strength of the power is very much depending on the process of making and blessing, and how strong the faith of the monk to Buddhist practices.

This is why a good amulet can benefit his owner, regardless if it is an antique or a new amulet.
There is one more factor affecting the outcome of an amulet to her bearer - The Karma of her bearer. Some bearers will see the effect almost immediately after they put it on, such as striking a lotto or unwounded in a severe accident. However some will not observe significant change. The fundamental reason behind such effect is: The Karma that individual carries. A strong bad Karma will prevent the luck and prosperity from reaching the bearer.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

- Why Buddhist Talisman?

LP Thuat by Archan Tim, Archan Nong, Back

LP Thuat by Archan Tim, Archan Nong, front

There are two schools of thoughts on the spiritual aspects. The first group are called atheist who believes in atheism; in other words who does not believe in god. The other group off course is the group who belives in god.

We can further look into the similarity of the various religions. One of the common similarities that we can observe is; most religions have their own tripple gem (a term that I borrow from Buddhism, I hope this does not offend those who read this blog). The tripple gems are (1) The originator, (2) The teaching and believes, and (3) The teachers. For Buddhism, our originator is Siddata Gautama, the Buddha; the Buddhist sutra and mantra are our teaching; and the monks are our teachers.

Regardless of the sect of Hinayana or Mahayana teaching, it is a common practice for the monks to create amulets with Buddha and Bodhisattva's figure or some objects with protective spell in order to be given to their diciples. Therefore millions of Buddhist talisman was created since some two thousands years ago from India and Sri Langka until now Thailand and Cambodia.

I am constantly searching for the truth of Buddhist talisman. I own my very first Phra Leela twenty years ago. I did not realize the power my amulet carries, or I sould say I was so used to the power until I did not realize it all the while. Few years back, I started to own several Buddhist amulets and I have to admit that I was crazy about it and ever since I had started to collect different types of amulets and to learn the science behind them.
Many buddhist talismans are powerful. There are tons of written records mentioning how the amulets bearers were being protected from danger. Some accounts can even be termed miracle! There are several families of Buddhist talisman. Thai Buddhist believes in amulets and takrut. Tibetan believes in amulets and Dzi beads.

For the hectic life we have in modern days, a lot of people tend to look into external help especialy spiritual type in order to achieve their results faster. Buddhist talisman fit into the picture perfectly. Such scenario creates a need and supply since our ancient time. Where there is a need, there is a supply.

However our gurus create their amulets with different justifications. Amulets were usually being created to bless people in huge quantity, to raise fund for temple building or charity; unlike common people like us who need the amulets for protections, lucks and prosperity.

In my next article, let's talk about how an amulet or Dzi bead could change our life in a more scientific manner.